Develop your strength, improve your balance and conditioning, and relieve pain so you can get back to the active lifestyle you enjoy!   

How would you like to be able to walk, climb stairs and get out of a chair more easily?  Wouldn't it be nice to feel strong and secure on your feet, with less muscle stiffness, more energy and better balance?  The training sessions below include instructional videos, assessment tools and illustrated handouts that help you reach your goals.  Scroll down to get a feel for what is already included in a DSPT Pro membership.  

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Everyone knows we need to build up our strength and practice balance exercises to be able to get up and walk more easily, but how about our flexibility?  Have you ever started out on a walk and then felt muscle tightness or joint stiffness holding you back? 

When you have more movement available, it gives you better leverage for body movements and makes your muscles more responsive and adaptable to what you want to do.  In this training video, we cover massage and stretching exercises you can easily practice at home that improve your mobility from your feet up to your hips.


Have you ever started out on a walk and felt uneasy because of leg weakness or unsteadiness?  Do you sometimes wonder whether you’re really safe going on outings or even walking through your home without having something to hang on to for balance?

This training video will show you how you can build real confidence in your balance, improving week after week, by following a graduating series of exercises that are very doable as part of your home workout program. 

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If you need to get stronger to be as active as you want to be, this training session will cover how to build up your leg strength, step by step.  We will include training for your hip, knee and ankle muscles, and you will learn how you can adjust your exercise routine to consistently challenge your muscles without overdoing it.


The Pro version of the Balance Challenge includes a new test for your walking speed, and also a progress tracker so you can easily compare your scores after weeks of training with us. 

Did you know that the average 75-year-old can get up from a chair 5 times in 10 seconds?   If you’re wondering how much training you may need to have good balance and strength, the DSPT Pro Balance Challenge has researched tests you can use to compare your physical ability with your peers.  Take the challenge, and find out whether your strength and balance meets the safe and healthy standards for your age group.  

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The Pro version of this workout is the centerpiece of your training regimen to walk more easily and prevent falls.  This training session starts with a complete warm-up before moving on to numerous strengthening exercises and balance drills.  You will learn how to progress the exercises to match your ability level as you get stronger with practice.  The Level 1 workout also includes exercise handouts you can download which have detailed instructions for the balance and strengthening exercises.


Do you sail through your day like a breeze or do you come home from the grocery dreading that flight of stairs up to your front door?   

Rate your physical ability to handle everything from light household tasks to longer distance walks, yard work and other more strenuous activities.  Compare your results to fit and healthy standards for your age group and use your test results to set meaningful goals for your exercise training!  

Step by step exercise videos

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Illustrated handouts

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Assessment tools

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, metus at rhoncus dapibus, habitasse vitae.

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